
ABC Contact EOOD

1113, Sofia, No 20 "Frederic Joliot-Curie" Str.


+ 359 (2) 816 43 24
Fax: + 359 (2) 816 43 24

Mobile: +359 884 277 844



There are two known systems of ventilation for fire service use: Negative and positive ventilation.

Where the original of Negative Pressure Ventilation (NPV) has been used extensively for many years, the latest in fire attack is Positive Pressure Ventilation (PPV).

PPV offers many benefits like lower temperatures, better visibility, less water and smoke damage and easier identification of the seat of the fire. All fans are tested in accordance to AMCA 240.

NPV and PPV are available in combustion engines, water driven, electric and even battery with or without water nozzles. As we have very larg range of ventilators, contact us to know which fit your needs the best.

Аксесоари: Щланг за насочване на въздуха /изскмукване на въздуха - особено подходящ при работа в шахти;
Приставка за генериране на пяна - превръща вашия вентилатор в мощен пеногенератор за пяна с висока кратност;
Приставка за образуване на водна завеса.



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